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Sacred Heart Mission's 2025
Womindjeka Ngargee ('Welcome Celebration' in the Boonwurrung language)

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On Wednesday 19 February, we joined with participants and staff at Sacred Heart Mission to mark the beginning of the year with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony provided by Yalukit Willam Boonwurrung Traditional Owners.

Senior Boonwurrung Custodian Caroline Martin and her son Jaeden Williams were special guests. Jaeden performed a wonderful smoking ceremony and Caroline unveiled & explained the stunning new mural by First Nations artists from The Torch.

Grade six students and teachers from St Columba Primary School were also in attendance and were a special part of the ceremony.

Beginning of Year School Mass
St Columba Church: Friday 7 February 2025

On Friday 7 February, we celebrated the beginning of the school year with mass in St Columba Church. Staff, students and families joined together to pray special prayers of 'Hope' for the year ahead. Grade 6 leaders, SRC members and staff were also commissioned. Thank you to everyone who attended and all who helped during the mass.

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School Mass for Prep-Grade 2 students and 2025 Preps.

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On Friday 22 November, we held a School Mass for the Grade Prep - Year 2s and for the new 2025 Preps. The theme was 'Walking and Growing Together'.

It was a beautiful liturgy and included a wonderful song by the Preps for the Psalm, a beautiful blessing for the teachers and a lovely welcome for the new Preps and their families. They were also given a flower seedling to symbolise the nurturing and growth they will receive at St Columba.

Thank you to all involved and a big thank you to all the families who attended the mass.

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A special welcome and gift of a seedling to the 2025 Preps.jpg

Jubilee 2025

Being Pilgrims of Hope in the World

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop used to say: ‘We are but travellers here.’ For the 2025 Jubilee Year, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on what it means to be pilgrims of hope: a people who are not only

travellers here but walking in joyful anticipation of ‘the heavenly goal to which we have been called’ (SNC §25).Pope Francis believes that, in today’s world, hope suffers; that too many people have been robbed by cynicism and despair. During Jubilee 2025, he wants everyone to have ‘an intense experience of the love of God that awakens in hearts the sure hope of salvation in Christ’ (SNC §6). Only this hope—born from knowing that nothing can separate us from God’s love (Rom 8:35-39)—can breathe life back into weary souls. This hope is not optimism. It is not a forced positivity in the face of hardship and evil. It is a grace from God, a trust in the Lord’s promises: that he is good, that he is merciful, and that we are journeying towards the one who says, ‘Look, I am making everything new’ (Rev 21:5).

The Jubilee 2025 Logo

For this reason, the most striking part of the logo for this jubilee (see at start of this article) is the cross: bending towards humanity and forming an anchor, it depicts the cross as something to cling to, especially in rough seas. It is a contemporary ‘riff’ on an old biblical image. The epistle to the Hebrews describes the hope we have in Christ as ‘an anchor of the soul, as sure as it is firm’ (6:19).The cross is not a dead symbol from the past. It is a living sign of God’s unfathomable love, and one that carries us together in pilgrimage towards heaven.

On Sunday 24 November, the Archdiocese officially opens the journey towards the Year of Jubilee 2025 and the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) to be held in Melbourne in December 2025 with the Solemn Mass at 11.00 a.m., followed by a festival in the Cathedral grounds from noon-2.00 p.m. 

The 2025 Jubilee will officially open on 24 December 2024, at 7.00 p.m. with a Mass presided over by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square. The rite of the Opening of the Holy Door will follow. In our parish, the Liturgy Committee will consider ways of celebrating Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope.

Spring Festival Celebration

What another fabulous community event and effort. Seventy people attended the Spring Festival held at Sacred Heart Church on Sunday 20 October 2024. Both a social and fundraising event, it raised over $2000 to go towards our three-year scholarship commitment of two Timor-Leste students in a remote part of Timor-Leste. 

Heartfelt thanks to Jefferson Almeida Souza, who spearheaded the preparations and to the other members of the social committee, Adrian Cropley, Marita Dalton and Toni Vatta for their tireless efforts. Special thanks to all the fantastic musicians and artists who displayed their talents and entertained us with their beautiful performances. A huge thank you also to the Brazailians and other volunteers who provided and served afternoon tea. Last but certainly not least, thank you to everyone who attended and supported this wonderful fundraising event. You embody the spirit of our parish walking together.


The World Day of Migrants and Refugees is observed each year as a time to learn about, listen to, and pray for and with those who have been forced to flee their homeland. Around Australia, many refugees and other migrants who hold temporary visas live in a state of uncertainty and insecurity, unable to obtain work rights or income support. 

Safeguarding Sunday 2024

This weekend, the Catholic Church in Australia marks Safeguarding Sunday, on which we pray for those who have been abused, their families and supporters. We recognise and apologise for the harm done by priests, religious and lay people in Church settings. Rebuilding trust and confidence in the Church requires constant work and vigilance. We recommit to cultural change that will help the Church be a place that respects the dignity of all children and adults at risk, and empowers and listens to all people, especially those who are vulnerable. 

This year’s theme is “Every Conversation Matters”. Conversations are powerful tools to keep children and young people safe and well. Conversations can help us understand issues, craft solutions, value community knowledge, and build the brains and social connections of children and young people.

Further information and resources are available on our ‘Keeping Our Community Safe’ noticeboards, on our website and on the Archdiocese’s Safeguarding website


Season of Creation

Each year from 1 September to 4 October, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. It is a special season where we celebrate God as Creator and acknowledge Creation as the divine continuing act that summons us as collaborators to love and care for the gift of all that is created. We are co-creatures and part of all that God has made. Our well-being is interwoven with the well-being of the Earth. The theme this year is: To hope and act with Creation with the symbol, ‘The firstfruits of hope”, inspired by Romans 8:19-25.

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Social Justice Statement 2024 / 2025

Australia’s Catholic bishops say peace is possible if people commit to speaking the truth and redouble efforts to end war.

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has released the Social Justice Statement for 2024–25, entitled Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World.

Every year, in time for Social Justice Sunday—marked this year on 25 August—the bishops seek to make a substantive comment on a key social issue. This year the focus is on the promotion of peace and the need for truth in public life.

‘Words are never enough to make peace—action is required,’ writes Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB in the foreword to the statement.

Eucharist Preparation Mass

Last weekend our Grade 4 children from St Columba's Primary School continued preparations for their Sacrament of Eucharist. We warmly welcomed the children and their families to 6.00p.m. Mass. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Archbishops Campaign 2024

Come, follow me

As the first disciples responded to Jesus’ invitation to ‘Come, follow me’ so too are we called to continue this vital and life giving work today.

To do this we have streamlined our approach to fundraising by moving to just one annual campaign for the purposes of the Archdiocese.

Your contribution to the Archbishop’s Campaign supports the vital ministries that serve all in our Archdiocese and helps build the community of faith of the future.

Parish Soup a Sweet Lunch

On Sunday 28th July, members of the parish gathered once again to enjoy "A Soup A Sweet Lunch" in St Columba's hall. Thirty-six parishioners enjoyed an array of hearty and nourishing soups which proved to be the perfect antidote to a cold winter's day. What was on the menu? Adrian's Chicken and Winter Vegetable Soup; Mairead's Potato and Leek Soup; Antonietta's (Toni"s) Moroccan Sweet Potato and Chickpea Soup, Janine's Mexican Bean Soup and Mizael's Cassava, Kale and Brazilian Chorizo Soup. Such variety and there was an abundance of steaming pots so plenty for everyone to try them all!  The dessert table was full of tempting treats- again enough for several tastes. Thank you to all the people who generously donated these sweets.

 This being another Social and Fundraising function, we raised $694.81 plus we received a generous donation of $1000 bringing the total to $1,694.81. All of this will go to the upkeep of our beloved parish. Thank you to all who attended and many thanks to the Social and Fundraising Committee for their tireless efforts in organising and setting up yet another social function that parishioners and friends could enjoy. Thank you to the cooks who generously donated their time and ingredients to prepare the delicious soups: Adrian, Mairead, Janine, Mizael and Toni. Thanks to all who helped to clean and pack up afterwards. See you all at the next function which will be the Spring Festival.

United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Person

On Tuesday, 30 July it is the U.N. World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The United Nations instituted this day to "raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights." One such organisation involved in this fight against this scourge is The Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH). They state that their work “Keeps the person at the heart of all we do. Our belief in a person’s dignity guides our work in all aspects; advocacy, policy development, awareness raising and companionship. The task of addressing Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery is enormous. Gospel justice demands that we work to protect, and restore, the human dignity and rights of trafficked and enslaved people. The Catholic community across Australia is widely spread and there is much to be done in education and engagement addressing these violations of human rights.

Click on the link below to see how you can help either by becoming a companion offering support and friendship to women who have been trafficked and their children and / or by providing a financial donation.

One hundred days of Prep

A class of very special guests was at assembly on Friday 26 July. The one hundred (days) old Preps and their very well preserved teachers dressed up for the occasion. Despite their age they are doing wonderfully at school and continue to impress everyone with their enthusiasm and knowledge. 

Congratulations to our Preps and to their teachers, Miss Angela and Miss Ruby.

Sacred Heart Mission releases its new Strategic Plan

On Wednesday 10 July, after an extensive planning process, Sacred Heart Mission released Strategy 2030: Serving More People and More Communities 2024-2030. This vision will guide their work over the next six years with meeting need on a larger scale as it’s main theme. In a nutshell and in their words:

  • “We will grow our services to serve more people and more communities.

  • We will do more of what we already do well including housing and homelessness, health and wellbeing services and aged care.

  • We will take what we do well and expand into new geographies and services such as support for women and their children, people living with disability and other complex needs.

  • We know that delivering services alone will not make lasting change. We will strengthen our advocacy to influence fairer and more inclusive communities and service systems.

Our success will be underpinned by strong lived experience voice, deep partnerships and a resilient organisation.”

We have placed copies at the back of the church of a synopsis of the Mission’s vision, purpose, values, guiding principles and actions for the four areas of action, as stated above, with its planned strategic outcomes. To view the entire strategic document, you can read it on their website:

We congratulate the Mission on its vision of service to those in most need and pray for their success.

Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday in our Masses


Welcome to this special celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. On this day, we gather as one community to honour and celebrate the rich cultural heritage and contributions of our First Nations Peoples to our Australian Catholic Church. 

The Gospel Reading for 7 July, from Mark 6:1-6, tells the story of Jesus returning to His hometown, only to be met with scepticism and disbelief. Despite His teachings and miracles, those who knew Him best failed to recognise His divine wisdom and power. This passage resonates deeply with our own experiences as First Australians, as we can often find that our voices go unheard, and our contributions not embraced.

Parish Visioning Statement

Following on from an extensive discernment process and our Pentecost Eve workshop, a narrative has been formed that describes a vision of our ideal parish in 2034. Please click the link below for further details. Copies of the document are available in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French. Please contact the parish office if you would like a copy.

Next Steps: For the rest of 2024, the Discernment Group and PLDT will develop future scenarios to help us understand the resources and constraints we will need to consider on our journey to becoming the parish we want to be by 2034. In 2025, we’ll make concrete plans for each service area and invite parishioners to commit their gifts and talents to continue building our desired welcoming community of faith that draws people in and provides a sense of belonging and fosters a deep spirituality that feeds our people and calls us in care and outreach to our community and our world.

Volunteers are a key part of our Safeguarding process

 Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli recently released a letter to volunteers, which outlines volunteer safeguarding requirements.


Our wonderful school community joined our 9.00am mass-goers to celebrate the Feast of St Columba and the Feast of Sacred Heart on Friday. The children processed with Fr John carrying the school flag, the school candle and individual class candles, and participated in all aspects of the mass. The recessional song lifted the roof as the children sang “… hearts on fire”. Thank you very much to Fr John, Daniella, Bern, Christine, all the staff and students and to the families who attended. 

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Cultural Celebration Dinner for Dine with Heart
A wonderful evening that raised $3608 for Sacred Heart Mission. 

Our Journey Together

On Saturday 18 May, about 45 parishioners gathered at St Columba's Hall for our parish visioning workshop. This event capped off five weeks of converations we had in the pews during Lent.

For more information please click here.

Commemorating ANZAC Day 2024

Despite the Antarctic conditions on Elwood beach on ANZAC Day, hundreds of locals gathered to pay respects to the ANZACs, who gave so much for this country. Colonel Michael Chapman spoke of their sacrifice and reminded us of the cost of war, which still continues today in current conflict zones, in places we hear of in our news telecast and, as he reminded us, in those places that we do not hear about. Primary and secondary school students from schools in Elwood did the prayer, read poems and spoke about what ANZAC Day means to them. The young people then led the assembled crowd in the National Anthem. Sacrifice, peace and hope were strong themes of the day. Two students from St Columba Primary were part of the young people who had a role on the day, in prayer and poem,  and they also laid the wreath with much reverence and understanding of the significance of this day for our country.  

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St Columba Primary School

Fr John was a special surprise guest as the Grade 4s ventured out for an outdoors for a  reading session. How lucky are our children to have such beautiful surrounds to use as an outdoor classroom.

The latest edition of the school newsletter is available online. Please have a look at the great array of information included.

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Safeguarding: National Code of Conduct

A national code of conduct has been released by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for people ministering in Catholic dioceses around Australia as a means of furthering the Australian church’s ongoing commitment to the safety of children and vulnerable people. The code of conduct is aimed at assisting in the formation and induction of clergy and lay pastoral leaders to reflect integrity in all aspects of their lives. It now replaces earlier codes such as Integrity in Ministry for clergy and Religious, and Integrity in the Service of the Church for Church lay workers, and brings these into a single presentation, as requested by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse. The code of conduct also reflects the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Any person performing pastoral work at the request of, or under the ultimate supervision of, a diocesan bishop must comply with the national code of conduct. The code covers such areas as physical and emotional boundaries, responding to complaints, positive relationships, using social media, abuse in the workplace and financial ethics. 

For further information or to read a copy of the code visit


Easter Triduum 2024

Our Easter Triduum liturgies were wonderful.

The Holy Thursday Mass and Good Friday liturgies were solemn but filled with hope for the risen Christ.

The Easter Vigil commenced with the Liturgy of the Fire and continued in St Columba Church.

Many parishioners joined in with our Easter Picnic after our beautiful Easter Sunday masses.

Liturgy of the Light

Situated in the parish carpark and supported by song, we had an awesome fire roaring in our fire-pit from which we lit our new Paschal Candle. We then took this light in procession down Normandy Road to the front door of St Columba, where our cantor Carlo, intoned the words in the darkness: ‘Christ our Light’ to which we gave ‘Thanks be to God’. Flickering tapers, lit from the procession of the Paschal candle, was the only light in the church by which we read the scriptures and psalms in response until the Gospel of the Resurrection was proclaimed.


Amy Milton, who has been preparing for her initiation into our faith tradition over 18 months was overjoyed to be baptised. Amy said that her life is full and rich but she always felt something was missing and now she has found it - a relationship with Jesus. Stella Ngassa was also baptised at the vigil. Stella’s family has always been spiritual and committed to reading the Word but never felt the need to wrap an ‘institutional church’ around their spirituality. With Stella off to France to marry Paul, it gave her the opportunity to explore our tradition, which led her to her commitment to be baptised. Helen and Luigi, both of deep faith already, were keen to complete their sacramental journey by being confirmed. It was a joyous event and we were privileged to be part of it.

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St Columba Primary School's Children's Flea Marqt & Fair

Sunday 24 March 10.00am-1.00pm

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Beginning of School Year Mass

Our school and parish community celebrated Mass on Friday to mark the beginning of the school year and the investiture of staff and student leaders. Thank you to all of the parents who attended and to the children and staff for a beautiful Mass.

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St Columba Primary School's Bunjil Opening Ceremony

This year to mark the beginning of the school year, the school community created Bunjil’s nest as a permanent reminder of their commitment to educating themselves on First Nation’s rich history and culture.
Bunjil is particularly important to First Nations people as he is the spirit creator of country. The school’s Bunjil’s nest is made of stickers found within the local area. Every stick has a child’s name written on it and then we have an extra eight special sticks to represent each year level and the staff. These sticks were added to the nest today and the nest itself will remain in our indigenous front garden.
A beautifully illustrated Acknowledgement of Country was also created by the children.
Congratulations to the staff, children and families for a beautiful ceremony to start the 2024 school year.

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A week in the life of our Parish

Parish BBQ, Community Carols Concert and End of School Year Mass & Graduation

The biggest Parish BBQ so far was held last Sunday and the Brazilian BBQ’ers outdid themselves and created a feast for the 80 guests. A very special thank you to Jeferson and our wonderful Brazilian community who organised and cooked the BBQ. Thank you also to everyone who came along and made the delicious salads and desserts.

Our Community Christmas Carols Concert last Monday night was a beautiful event. The narrated Christmas story was highlighted by wonderful singing from our Choir. Congratulations to the Social Committee, in particular to Adrian and to the outstanding Choir, led by Silvana.

60 guests from across Melbourne joined this special evening. Thank to everyone who volunteered and attended.

Congratulations to our Grade 6 children who graduated at the End of School Mass on Thursday night. A huge thank you to all staff, particularly Jane Dixon for their wonderful support of the children.

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St Columba Primary School

End of School Year Celebrations

On Wednesday, our school community celebrated all things Christmasy with carols, a BBQ and a visit from Santa.  Congratulations to the children and a big thank you to Steph and Chris for supporting out little starts.

At the last assembly for the year, the Grade 6s were farewelled. They spoke about the different experiences they've enjoyed at St Columba and gave thanks to all the teachers and support staff who have helped them along the way.

The Grade 5 children then spoke about each of the Gr 6s and the great memories they have of them. We wish them all the very best as they embark on their secondary school adventure.

A very special thank you to our Grade 6 teacher, Jane Dixon.

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Remembrance Month

For Remembrance month this year, we have designed a Remembrance card, using the image of the wooden sculpture that hangs in our Memorial Area at Sacred Heart. These are available at the back of each church, and you are welcome to take one home, or write a message/names of your loved ones and place them in the basket provided. At Sacred Heart, this basket is in the Memorial Area and at St Columba, this is under the Cross at the side of the altar. We have also put out the Memorial Book, where, if you have not previously written the names of your loved ones, you can do so now. At every Mass in November, we will be offering up the names listed in this book. Finally, we have complied the funeral booklets of previous years into little books, and laid them out in either the Memorial Area (Sacred Heart) or next to the Memorial Cloth (St Columba) and you are welcome to view these.  
You can also email the name and message for your loved one if you are unable to attend mass.

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Granparents and Special Friends Day at St Columba Primary School

A highlight in our St Columba Primary School year is the annual Grandparent and Special Friends’ Day. It was held on Friday and it was wonderful to see so many people turn up for the special assembly and morning tea. Thank you very much to all the children and staff for all their preparation and presentations. The assembly finished with a rousing rendition of “I’m a Believer” for the grandparents and special friends.

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Official Opening of Sacred Heart Mission's Campus of Care

On Friday, 6 October, The Campus of Care was officially opened completing a massive redevelopment of the Mission over a six-year period. Earlier this month the Mission celebrated the completion of the multi-stage redevelopment with staff, volunteers, clients, supporters and neighbours. Hang Vo, CEO of the Mission said: “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the many people at the Mission and beyond who believed in our vision of a connected service hub for people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage – and who helped us bring it to life…  The completion of the Campus of Care on the corner of Grey and Robe Streets in St Kilda transforms our operating environment into a cohesive and connected hub of support that improve the quality of life for people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage

The ‘campus of care’ with its fit-for-purpose buildings provides a better quality of service for our clients and improves that sense of community and belonging – everyone has access to the care and service they require. By providing a greater range of accommodation and care support we can also prevent the need for premature entry into residential aged care services and have a positive impact on the number of older Australians living in unsuitable housing or on the street.”

The campus integrates the broad range of services we offer into a coherent precinct, improving the quality of life for our clients and increasing people’s sense of community. It includes: 

The 97-bed aged care home ‘Sacred Heart Community’ 

A redeveloped Wellness Place  

The updated Women’s House  

An administration building 

14 self-contained, independent living units located in the former Sacred Heart Primary School, now known as ‘99 on Grey’. 

Visit the Sacred Heart website: to view a video on the opening ceremony.

General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

The General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops began on Wednesday, 4 October. It is to be a global gathering of bishops and laypeople to discuss the future of the Catholic Church and for the first time women and laypeople can vote on specific proposals alongside bishops, a radical change that is evidence of Francis’ belief that the church is more about its flock than its shepherds.
Pope Francis asked Fr Timothy Radcliffe, an English Dominican friar, to lead a retreat for bishops and participants taking part in one of the most important global Church gatherings for decades. Fr Timothy presented five ‘Retreat Meditations’ and they are well worth a read.

Parish Concert for Timor-Leste students

How blessed are we to have incredibly talented musicians in our parish willing to donate their time and musical gifts to support those in need.  In addition, how thankful we are for all the parishioners who came to support this wonderful cause. Seventy parishioners and family members of musicians came last Sunday to raise money for our two parish-sponsored educational scholarships for disadvantaged youth in the remote region of Lospalos in Timor-Leste. We were overwhelmed to find that, unexpectedly, through this one event we had raised the entire amount for a year. Thank you to all who came, who donated money, who brought items for afternoon tea, who set-up, who packed up and who provided lifts to those who needed it. 
We welcomed Br Michael Lynch, Salesian who talked about their work in Timor-Leste, crucial to rebuilding this nation. We also were privileged to have some people from Timor-Leste join us, expressing their gratitude for our assistance.  As Pope Francis said last week in Mongolia, “Even though a community might be small, this love can be a powerful witness.  ‘God loves littleness, and through it he loves to accomplish great things”. And that we did!

The Musicians

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The organisers

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Afternoon Tea

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Katia Mestrovic

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Musicians Jeferson and Marcelle

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National Child Protection Week 4-9 September

Child Protection Week is a national campaign held each year to raise awareness of child-abuse prevention in our communities. In 2023, the overarching message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ will be complemented with the theme ‘Where we start matters'.
The Community Jigsaw - a framework for strong, supportive, child-inclusive communities.
The idea to use a Community Jigsaw during National Child Protection Week came from a 9-year-old girl who pointed out that “A community is like a puzzle, you need to have all the bits to make it work.”


Parish Safeguarding Weekend

2 / 3 September 2023

Each year around Child Protection Week and Safeguarding Sunday, our parish celebrates its Safeguarding Weekend.

Our Parish has always taken the safeguarding of our children, young people and vulnerable adults extremely seriously and to be more than just administrative compliance. We live out the call to be a haven for all and ask you all to join with us to make some practical commitments to this.

At all masses this weekend Fr John will ask all volunteers to read the synopsis of our Parish Code of Conduct and to sign the Declaration (last page). The Code clearly specifies the intention and practice that each and everyone of us needs to take to care for and protect all in our community.  A full copy of the Parish Code of Conduct and other important resources are available on the Keeping our Community Safe page on our website.

We join together to honour the call to protect those most vulnerable and commit ourselves as a loving faith community through this humble dedication.

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Social Justice Sunday

About Social Justice Sunday and the Bishops Social Justice Statement.

With a tradition stretching back to 1940, the Australian Bishops Conference contributes to the development of local Catholic Social Teaching by releasing a major social justice statement each year in the lead up to Social Justice Sunday, which this year falls on Sunday 27 August. These statements encourage the Catholic community to reflect and act on the social, economic and ecological aspects of the Church’s mission.

The title of the Social Justice Statement 2023-24 is Listen, Learn, Love: A new engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It includes experiences and views shared by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) and calls for the Church – and society more widely – to listen to, engage and address the pain of First Nations Peoples in new ways, in order to bring an end to centuries of injustice.

The Bishop’s Social Justice Statement discusses the upcoming referendum regarding Indigenous Constitutional recognition through a Voice to Parliament as an important moment for Australia as we listen to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters on this important decision. The Statement encourages Catholics and wider Australia to seek out and carefully consider information about the proposal, with special reference to the hopes and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.


Get in touch to find out more about prayer services at Catholic Parish of Sacred Heart and St Columba.

Parish Movie Night

The movie night was very well attended. We filled all but 1 or 2 seats - about 54 tickets.  Everyone mingled and caught up in our private foyer before the film. Armed with refreshments and snacks we settled in to our private cinema to watch Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Thanks to all who generously donated tickets to allow others who might not have been able to come, assisted with giving people lifts to the cinema and to Adrian for his amazing spreadsheets and organisational skills which helped us to ensure the night was a success.

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Get in touch to find out more about prayer services at Catholic Parish of Sacred Heart and St Columba.

Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday (ATSIS)

A New Life in Christ: Uniting as One People on ATSI Sunday. Each year, Catholics from all corners of Australia gather on ATSI Sunday to celebrate the unique gifts and contributions of Australia’s First Peoples. 
This year’s theme, “A New Life in Christ” reflects the hope and promise of a brighter future, rooted in unity and shared commitment to positive change. As we commemorate this special day in our Liturgical Calendar, we are invited to listen to the voices of our Indigenous brethren and walk alongside them on a journey towards progress. ATSI Sunday symbolises our unity as one people in Christ.

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Feast of Sacred Heart

On Friday we celebrated Sacred Heart Day at Sacred Heart Church with the theme “Hearts That Hear The Voices of the Voiceless”. A wonderful local music group, ‘Beaut Fun Ukes’ started the celebration and were fantastic. Hang Vo, CEO spoke about the importance of hearing of all voices and being true to your own voice.  Bern, Isabella, Rosie and Scarlett from St Columba primary school read out a wonderful acrostic poem reflecting on what ‘Sacred Heart’ means to the school. Santi, a lifestyle worker at Sacred Heart Aged Care Community read out some wonderful comments from the residents, including the one from David “the priest is good, he has empathy, he says good prayers … that’s why he’s the priest”. Here here David. The final powerful presentation was from Yu, a participant of Sacred Heart Mission and one of our parishioners. Yu spoke of the significant difficulties in her life that saw he come to SHM and of the wonderful welcome and support she has received. “They are my family”, she said. Thank you very much to everyone involved, with special thanks to Karen Englebretsen

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Feast of St Columba

We held a special 105th birthday celebration on Friday 9 June, the Feast of St Columba. Our school community joined us for a lovely mass to celebrate 105 years of St Columba Primary School. Our school families were asked to bring along a flower and these were then arranged into a magnificent birthday bouquet. Thank you very much to Saskia for organising this. We were delighted to welcome a special guest, SHM CEO Hang Vo, who spoke to the children about ‘Hope’ - the 2023 school theme. Hang was presented with a book, one of many that had been donated by school families for the residents of Sacred Heart Community.
After mass, celebrations continued at school with cake and a special treat, a ‘Gaga Pit’. For everyone, including us, who didn’t know what that was - it’s a bit like dodge ball, and the children had a ‘ball’.

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Honouring our Volunteers.
Our volunteers are vital, vibrant and valued.

At masses on 27/28 May we honoured and celebrated our volunteers.

A Prayer for our Volunteers

Loving God,

We give thanks for the Spirit of care blowing gently

through the hearts of our volunteers,

as they contribute their time, their gifts, 

their skills and their friendship 

across the vast array of ministries in our Parish.

Through their generous hearts, we are able to 

create and maintain a safe and inclusive place of belonging

that welcomes, enables, befriends, and accompanies those in need.

We honour their life-giving service with our

gratitude and respect.

We ask your blessing upon them as they continue

to witness through the compassionate heart of

your Son, Jesus.


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Confirmation 2023

On Thursday evening 1 June, Bishop Tony Ireland and Fr John Petrulis celebrated Confirmation for 27 of our school and parish children. It was a beautiful service and we give thanks to all involved.

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Fr John and Brishop Tony with some of those confirmed.jpg

Our Dine with Heart fundraiser

On Sunday 28 May, our social committee hosted a wonderful Dine with Heart and Parish fundraiser. There was a lovely atmosphere and people were happy to mingle and perhaps sit with people they did not know, which is the whole point from the social aspect. After a 3 years hiatus because of COVID, people were openly happy about finally being able to come to a community event such as this in the hall. Thank you very much to our organising committee for all their hard work and for all those who made the soups. It was wonderful to have so many people contribute desserts also and their helping hands when needed. 

A total of $1150 was raised which is a terrific effort.

Thanks one and all, without you, it would not have been such a successful event!

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Honouring our Volunteers.
Our volunteers are vital, vibrant and valued.

At masses on 27/28 May we honoured and celebrated our volunteers.

A Prayer for our Volunteers

Loving God,

We give thanks for the Spirit of care blowing gently

through the hearts of our volunteers,

as they contribute their time, their gifts, 

their skills and their friendship 

across the vast array of ministries in our Parish.

Through their generous hearts, we are able to 

create and maintain a safe and inclusive place of belonging

that welcomes, enables, befriends, and accompanies those in need.

We honour their life-giving service with our

gratitude and respect.

We ask your blessing upon them as they continue

to witness through the compassionate heart of

your Son, Jesus.


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Literacy Open Morning at St Columba Primary School

On Friday 26 May, St Columba held a Literacy Open Morning. Parents and grandparents joined the children in their classrooms.
Annie, a delightful new student, laughed  at knowing more about spelling than her mum.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and to the students and staff.

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Celebrating Mother's Day at St Columba Primary School

A very special day in our school calendar.

Mothers and special friends were treated to a beautiful breakfast hosted by one of the wonderful school families. We were all then treated to a brilliant assembly filled with beautiful, poignant and funny messages from the children, a beautiful blessing and two wonderful singing / dancing performances, one organised for the Gr 1-6s by our Performing Arts teacher, Steph, who attended on her day off with her gorgeous baby Rosie.

Thank you everyone involved.

A Blessing for our Mothers

May your heart be filled with boundless love and unwavering strength,

As you navigate the beautiful journey of motherhood.

May you find comfort and support in the community of mothers and women around you,

Sharing stories, laughter and tears knowing you are never alone.

May your days be filled with joyous moments and treasured memories,

As you nurture and guide your children, shaping their lives with love and care.

May you find balance amongst the chaos, embracing both 

the challenges and triumphs.

And may you always trust in your intuition.

May you find time for self care, honoring the woman within the mother,

Knowing that your wellbeing is the foundation on which 

your family thrives.

May you be a source of inspiration and empowerment,

Teaching your children kindness, compassion and the 

courage to chase their dreams.

May your resilience shine through in the hard times

And may you be appreciated, celebrated and loved.

Today and always may you be blessed,

For the immeasurable impact you have on the world, 

through the love you give.


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Easter Triduum 2023

Holy Thursday at Sacred Heart Church this year was an intimate and solemn celebration of Christ's last supper. It was wonderful that we were able to once again return to the symbolic ritual of the washing of the feet. It is the first time we have been able to practise this beautiful action of service since the pandemic. Lovely that Christine thought to provide individual towels so we could do this in a Covid safe way. The washing of the feet is a very real reminder of Jesus's humanity and his humility before his disciples who he was entrusting with carrying on his ministry well after he was gone. We also returned to our tradition of turning down the lights of the church at the end of mass and lighting candles. We processed down the main aisle following Fr John carrying Jesus's body, symbolically represented in the bread which he placed on the cross. During the singing of Bless the Lord, Ubi Caritas and O Christe Domine Jesu, we brought our candles to the cross and stayed for the watch. This moving reflection is reminiscent of Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane.
Indeed, it was a wonderful evocation of the beginning of the Triduum - the major feast days which lead up to the celebration of Easter. As always, I was thankful to be present for the very devotional way in which our parish remembers Jesus's last evening with his disciples.
Antonietta (Toni Vatta)

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Holy Thursday

Friendship Fair at St Columba Primary School

On Thursday 6 April, St Columba held their Friendship Fair. It is one of the most popular events of the year. Each class organised or made something to sell to the other students. Think cupcakes, books, lemonade, a lucky dip, fun games or getting your hair sprayed in a bright colour. All of the money raised goes towards Caritas Australia. Congratulations to our wonderful children and the hardworking staff. We wish them all a safe and peaceful Easter and school holidays.

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St Columba Primary School Marqt

Every year on the Sunday before the Easter holiday we organise a market & fair especially for children, age 0-12Y.
Last Sunday 2 April, 600 people joined in the fun! The sun was shining and our school community put on a wonderful event.
Activities for the children (young and old) included:
Children's Flea Market, by and for children
The free Easter Egg hunt and special guest, the Easter Bunny
Becky Bubble - she made giant bubbles and taught the children how to make their own.
Congratulations to the organising committee, to all the volunteers and a special thank you to Bendigo Elwood Community Bank who sponsored the Marqt.

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Free Easter Egg hunt with special guest, The Easter Bunny

Becky Bubble

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Parish Ten Pin Bowling

On Sunday 26th March, twelve of our parishioners headed down to Zone Bowling in Moorabbin for a fun afternoon of ten pin bowling. Whilst we had a few seasoned players (not looking at you, Dom and Lina), some were complete novices and then some of us had only played a handful of times or were a bit on the, shall we say, "rusty" side. Nonetheless, we didn't shame ourselves. In fact all of us improved our scores by the second game. We had a lot of laughs. All in all, it was a very enjoyable afternoon. 

This was the first activity of the year organised by the Parish Social Committee. We have more events planned for the year if you were unable to come to bowling and we would love to see you come along. Our next event is on Sunday the 28th May at 12.30pm. It will be our Dine with Heart luncheon . This is our annual fundraiser in support of both The Sacred Heart Mission and our parish. More details to come. In the meantime, please save the date!

Antonietta (Toni)  Vatta on behalf of the Parish Social Committee.

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Bowling Team 1

Bowling Team 2

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Bowling Team 3

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Bowling Toni

David bowling

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Cathie in action

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Harmony Week at St Columba Primary School

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds.
It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Harmony Day.
The children celebrated Harmony Day on 21 March 2023 by wearing orange or clothing from their culture. They also bought in food from their different backgrounds and celebrated with delicious morning tea.

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Morning tea from around the globe

Special guest, Bishop Tony Ireland

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St Columba Church gets a Spring clean in Autumn

Thank you to Mahtab, Lou and our Brazilian Crew, comprising Jeferson, Lucas, Mizela, Cesar and Carla for the three hours they spent giving St Columba Church a deep clean last Saturday. We searched and eliminated dust from the top of the statutes to the skirting boards and everywhere in-between. We sneezed, laughed and sang along to hymns (Brazilians always insist on music!) and by 6.00 p.m. everyone had washed up, ready for Mass. Not content to sit back on his laurels, Jeferson gave the Lenten presentation on what quenches his thirst for faith, in-between playing the piano! Mahtab, Mizela, Carla and Cesar also took on some Mass ministry roles. Rumour has it that after Mass, the Brazilians went on to an ‘after party’, at which a lot of wine was consumed!
Thank you to all who have been speaking at the Masses, we will have a little round up of their presentations when all are done.

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Parish Retreat
18 February 2023

How wonderful it was to gather once again as a community for a parish retreat on Saturday 18 February. This is something we have not been able to do since the Covid pandemic hit us with a mighty thud in 2020. Some 26 people from the parish came to St Joseph’s Conference Centre in Port Melbourne to participate and what a heart-warming experience! Fr John welcomed us with his usual warmth and fervour for what was to be a restorative day. He noted that in some ways calling it a “retreat” was a misnomer as really it was a way for us to come together, to share our gifts, our thoughts and our ideas communally rather than in an individual, introspective way. Indeed, that was certainly the spirit of the day. Jane Sims led the Welcome to Country. Sisters Karen and Emily soon had us singing along to “This is the Day” accompanied by their valiant efforts on the guitar. It set the tone for the spirit of thankfulness that we felt for the blessing of being able to share this day. In prayer, we called on the Holy Spirit to renew us, to “help us to relish what is right” and “always rejoice in the Lord’s consolation.” 

Excerpt of a Reflection by Antoinetta (Toni) Vatta. You can read the full reflection here. 



Our resident harpist, Katia.

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Church Cross

Beginning of School Year Mass 10 February 2023

Our beautiful school community gathered together to celebrate the beginning of the 2023 school year and to warmly welcome the new children and staff who have joined St Columba this year, especially the wonderful new Preps.
The Grade 6 children were presented with their leadership badges and the staff were commissioned with a special prayer.

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Entrance procession with representatives of each class.

Fr John welcomes the school community

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Grade Six children being presented with leadership roles and badges

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Memorial Mass
11 February 2023

Friends of parishioners, Cynthia Joseph and Noreen Dempsey, and former Pastoral Associate Maria George gathered to attend a memorial Mass for them at Sacred Heart Church. The memorial was at the instigation of Cynthia’s mother, Rose who has been a regular visitor to the parish from Malaysia over several years, where many parishioners welcomed and befriended her during those times. 

 A ‘pot luck’ lunch followed the memorial, and was a chance to share food from around the world and share memories about three amazing women.

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Remembering Cynthia, Noreen and Maria

Pot luck lunch

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Toni, Jim, Denis and Rose

Gathering for lunch

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Celebrating the Profession of Final Vows
Sr Karen Englebretsen cp

On Thursday night, 2 February, members of our Parish were privileged to bear witness to Sr Karen’s Professional of Final Vows.
Karen is a Sister of the Cross and Passion and has become a valued part of our Parish, along with Sr Brigid and Sr Emily.
Sr Therese, the congregation leader from Ireland, was able to be present, along with friends of Karen and parishioners from Endeavour Hills and Holy Cross Templestowe.
The mass and profession was deeply moving and included moving tributes from Karen’s New Zealand family and friends and her USA friends. Karen’s Aunt made and sent a Korowai especially for her. A Korwai is a traditional woven Maori cloak. The name Korowai is symbolic of leadership, and includes the obligation to care for the people and environment.
We invite you to view the beautifully presented booklet made by the Sisters for Karen’s professions (available at the back of church). It includes a copy of the congregations Ecological Stations of the Cross - Listening to the Cry of the Earth and Poor, which was written by Sr Brigid and illustrated by Sr Karen.
Congratulations Karen and thank you to you and your Sisters for all you are and do for our Parish.

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Rite of Profession with Sr Karen and Sr Therese

Karen with her Cross and Korowai

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Srs Emily, Brigid and Therese renewing their promise

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End of School Year for St Columba Primary

The children at our wonderful ‘little school with a big heart’ finished up for 2022 on Friday. We celebrated the year and the Gr 6 graduation at a special mass on Thursday evening.

We also were able to thank and farewell long term staff, Ange Saliba and Julie Watson and a number of long term families.

We encourage you to have a look at the recent St Columba newsletter for a glimpse into some of the amazing events and people at our school.

Wishing our school community and all the teachers and students in our Parish a safe and relaxing holiday break. See you in 2023!

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St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers

The Parish – Mission team’s sound planning for the Mission’s 40th Anniversary bore good fruit last Sunday with a beautiful liturgy celebrated in prayer, music and good speeches. Guests from the Board; Hostel residents, Mission people, school representative and parishioners came together to pay homage to the four decades of heart, faithful service and care of our most vulnerable people.
Fr John was joined by Fr Terry Kean, Fr Mal Crawford and Fr Barry Moran to celebrate the mass. It was also a time to say thank you and farewell to outgoing CEO Cathy Humphrey and to warmly welcome incoming CEO Hang Vo.

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Volunteers packing hampers

Wonderful Vinnies volunteers

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Celebrating SHM's 40th Anniversary

The Parish – Mission team’s sound planning for the Mission’s 40th Anniversary bore good fruit last Sunday with a beautiful liturgy celebrated in prayer, music and good speeches. Guests from the Board; Hostel residents, Mission people, school representative and parishioners came together to pay homage to the four decades of heart, faithful service and care of our most vulnerable people.
Fr John was joined by Fr Terry Kean, Fr Mal Crawford and Fr Barry Moran to celebrate the mass. It was also a time to say thank you and farewell to outgoing CEO Cathy Humphrey and to warmly welcome incoming CEO Hang Vo.

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Fr John Petrulis, Fr Terry Kean, Fr Mal Crawford, Fr Barry Moran

Chain of hearts

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Outgoing CEO, Cathy Humphrey, hadning over the 'heart' baton to incoming CEO Hang Vo

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16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence - ACRATH Campaign

Join ACRATH, Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans, and the international community for 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The United Nations 16 days of activism begins on 25th November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the anniversary of the brutal assassination of  Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa Mirabal, three activists in the Dominican Republic in 1960. It ends on 10th December – Human Rights Day, the day on which the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).


16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence - ACRATH Campaign

Join ACRATH, Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans, and the international community for 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The United Nations 16 days of activism begins on 25th November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the anniversary of the brutal assassination of  Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa Mirabal, three activists in the Dominican Republic in 1960. It ends on 10th December – Human Rights Day, the day on which the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

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Remembrance Assembly at St Columba Primary School

Staff and children honoured all those who have served and lost their lives to protect us.

Anti-Poverty Week 2022

Anti-Poverty Week supports the Australian community to have an increased understanding of poverty and to take action collectively to end it. We are a diverse network of individuals and organisations who share this purpose.  Since 2002, we have been active each year in the week around the 17th of October, the United Nations Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
Our key message is: Poverty exists. Poverty hurts us all.  We can all do something about it.  It is one of hope, not despair.  In 2022, Anti-Poverty Week will be held from the the 16th to 22nd of October.

World Mental Health Day 10 October 2022

This year’s World Mental Health Day campaign is encouraging everyone to make a promise to “Look after your mental health, Australia.” In 2022, the focus of our annual campaign is awareness, belonging and connection (the abc of mental health).

World Homeless Day: 10 October 2022

The concept of 'World Homeless Day' emerged from online discussions between people working to respond to homelessness from various parts of the world. The purpose of World Homeless Day is to draw attention to the needs of people who experience homelessness locally and provide opportunities for the community to get involved in responding to homelessness, while taking advantage of the stage an ‘international day’ provides - to end homelessness through improved policy and funding.

Our Sacred Heart Mission has a range of housing program aimed at addressing homelessness and they can always use our support either as volunteers, as an ally or in a financial capacity. If this interests you, visit their website for more information:

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

The theme chosen by Pope Francis for this year’s 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2022 is BUILDING THE FUTURE WITH MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES.

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Church Cross

Season of Creation

The burning bush is the Symbol for the Season of Creation for 2022 and we have constructed our own in both our churches.

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Burning Bush at St Columba

Season of Creation Theme

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Burning Bush at Sacred Heart


Social Justice Sunday

28 August 2022

Social Justice Statement 2022–2023:
Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse

Social Justice Sunday will be celebrated on 28 August 2022, and I write regarding the Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2022-23, Respect: Confronting violence and abuse, and how you can access it.

Access the Social Justice Statement and accompanying resources here.


National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day

August 4, 2022

'My Dreaming, My Future' 
“Every child is born into a story. That story comes from their family's history and ancestral connections. The Dreaming. That child must then shape that story into their own. Through created opportunities, whilst finding their place within family, community, and in society. Their Future.” SNAICC staff member
“My dreaming, my future is circular and endless, interconnected in the hearts and souls of my ancestors. My story and songlines are me, it is ancestors, my country and all that I belong to, and the future of my children and their children until eternity.” SNAICC staff member 
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are born into stories of their family, culture, and Country. They carry with them the songlines of their ancestors and culture, passed down by generations. Their Dreaming is part of our history, while their futures are their own to shape.  
This Children’s Day, we are asking our children what Dreaming means to them, learning how they interpret this in their lives and identity, and hearing what their aspirations are for the future.

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Preparation Masses for Sacrament of Eucharist

16 / 17 July 2022

At masses last weekend, children preparing for First Eucharist placed 'Hearts of Thanks' on the altar and  received a blessing from Fr John and the community

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Feast of St Columba

9 June 2022

On Friday morning, we celebrated the Feast of St Columba with a special mass. Our school community joined us at 9am Mass and provided a wonderful, joyous celebration of our school namesake. Thank you to everyone involved and to the parishioners and parents who joined us.

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9 June 2022

Bishop Tony Ireland celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with 25 Parish children on Thursday night. It was a beautiful celebration. Thank you to Fr John, Christine, Danielle, Conor, Daniella and the children and their families for all their hard work and dedication.

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Pentecost Sunday

5 June 2022

This weekend we celebrate Pentecost Sunday - the birth of the church and movement of the Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit does not bring a different teaching, but renders alive the teaching of Jesus, so that the passage of time may neither erase nor diminish it.

Memorial Flowers

ANZAC Day celebration in Elwood

April 25 2022

All Australians owe a debt of gratitude to our service men and women.

Here in Elwood we recognise their contribution in ever growing numbers through the support for commemorative events on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day. These events help define the story of what it is to be Australian in our multicultural and diverse community in a way we can all participate in.

Monday 25 April at 9am. Elwood Foreshore (at the Elwood Sailing Club)

Supported by Friends of the Elwood RSL.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Easter Triduum

April 14 - April 16 2022


Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7.00pm St Columba Church


Ecumenical Service, 9.30am Holy Trinity Anglican Church

175 Chapel Street, Balaclava


The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 3.00pm Sacred Heart Church


7.00pm St Columba Church

Please meet at 6.45pm in the  Parish House car park for the lighting ceremony


9.00am St Columba Church

11.00am Sacred Heart Church

Kids in Church

National Child Protection Week

5 - 11 September 2021

Theme: Every child, in every community, needs a fair go.

To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what kids need to thrive and be healthy.

Find out more about the theme

People In Church

Keeping our Community Safe: Safeguarding Weekend

1 / 2 May 2021

As part of our commitment to safeguarding in our Parish, we will hold our yearly Safeguarding Weekend on Saturday 1 / Sunday 2 May. 
One tangible way that we will ask you to show your commitment to supporting all those who are vulnerable in our parish is by signing the Parish Safeguarding Code of Conduct. This was developed by the Archdiocese’s Professional Standards Unit and has been adopted and signed by our Parish Leadership and Development Team.

Image by Rosie Kerr

3rd Anniversary of Fr Ernie Smith's death

28 March 2021

We celebrated the third anniversary of Fr Ernie Smith, the inspiration behind and co-founder of Sacred Heart Mission at 11am Mass on Sunday 28 March.

Please see visit these links for a tribute from Kate Cleaves (Wilson) and the text of a reflection that Vin Corbett gave at mass.


National Carers Week: Recognising Care Given in Love.

11th October 2020

National Carers’ Week runs from Sunday, 11 October to Saturday 17 October.

We offer in thanksgiving the following prayer for the compassion and dedication of all the workers and volunteers from our Sacred Heart Mission, our parish pastoral team and our parish families who in providing care to others bear witness to God’s Spirit of love.

You have granted me life and favour, and your care has preserved my spirit (Job 10:12).

Prayer for Carers

Holy Spirit, pour out your gifts and fruits 

on all those who provide care for others. 

Grant them time and rest to rejuvenate, 

courage and fortitude to face the day to day challenges 

and wisdom and trust to know when to ask for help.

Blessed Trinity, inspire and awaken us to be a Church community 

that is actively seeking to provide assistance and support to people 

who care for our brothers and sisters, 

who are witnesses of your gifts to our world. Amen.

[Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 2007]

Praying Together

Staying connected during the Coronavirus epidemic

March 20th 2020

As Masses and other public gatherings get cancelled, social distancing and panic buying happens around our community, many people are living with fear and uncertainty. Some in our community need support more than ever. Here are some resources on how you can access support and information and also how you can offer support and volunteer at this time.

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Be the change you want to see in the world

February 7th 2020

This is the theme for our St Columba Primary School for 2020. The children, staff and families celebrated the beginning of the school year with a beautiful mass this morning.

Fr John's homily focused on the Paschal candle and the light that shines within all of us. He asked the children to name the 'thing's that give them and our community light and then a candle was lit from the Paschal candle honouring each of these - teachers, fellow students, parents, firefighters, Sacred Heart Mission.


St Columba Primary School - Seussical

September 15 2019

Huge congratulations to everyone involved in preparing for and performing in the school musical ‘Seussical’. It was a fantastic achievement and a wonderful success.

For other news and stories please see the online newsletter


Young women of Sacred Heart and St Columba

September 6 2019

Friday 6th September was the first young women’s dinner and talk series, “Full of Grace”, and what a fruitful night it was!


Renewing our Relationship

August 18 2019

On Sunday 18 August, we celebrated the renewal of the agreement between our Parish and Sacred Heart Mission at 9am and 11am masses. Thank you very much to Chris Stolz, Chair of Sacred Heart Mission Board and to Cathy Humphries, CEO Sacred Heart Mission for their attendance and support.


Plenary council

June 2019

A Plenary Council is a formal meeting of the bishops and other representatives of all the dioceses and eparchies of the Catholic Church in Australia. Its purpose is to discern what God is asking of us in Australia at this present time.

While the church should be asking that question continually, a Plenary Council is a particularly graced instrument for seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And it has the authority to make church laws on the results of its discernment.


Sacred Heart Memorial

August 18 2018

On Sunday 19 August 2018 we dedicated the Sacred Heart Memorial.
“We Remember” is a tribute to those who have died in our community. In erecting this memorial, we hold them forever in our hearts. 
“We Remember”, depicts a small gathering holding their friend who has died. In this act of intimacy, through their grief, in some ways they hold each other. The figures are close with each other. They hold the body of their friend through the interweaving of their hands and bodies. This is an experience of deep intimacy in a place vulnerability.

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Moving our ministry online

March 28 2020

As the Coronavirus COVID-19 continues, we are finding more ways to connect online right here on the website. So we have put together a resource page with handy links, information, prayers plus lots more.

We update our news and events as they happen, so check back often for the latest. You can also contribute by sharing your story on our Blog or get an item published in our Parish Bulletin by contacting us

Image by Matt Howard

Welcome. You are warmly invited to join us.

Memorial Flowers

ANZAC Day celebration in Elwood

April 25 2022

All Australians owe a debt of gratitude to our service men and women.

Here in Elwood we recognise their contribution in ever growing numbers through the support for commemorative events on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day. These events help define the story of what it is to be Australian in our multicultural and diverse community in a way we can all participate in.

Monday 25 April at 9am. Elwood Foreshore (at the Elwood Sailing Club)

Supported by Friends of the Elwood RSL.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Easter Triduum

April 14 - April 16 2022


Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7.00pm St Columba Church


Ecumenical Service, 9.30am Holy Trinity Anglican Church

175 Chapel Street, Balaclava


The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 3.00pm Sacred Heart Church


7.00pm St Columba Church

Please meet at 6.45pm in the  Parish House car park for the lighting ceremony


9.00am St Columba Church

11.00am Sacred Heart Church

Kids in Church

National Child Protection Week

5 - 11 September 2021

Theme: Every child, in every community, needs a fair go.

To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to make sure every family and community has what kids need to thrive and be healthy.

Find out more about the theme

People In Church

Keeping our Community Safe: Safeguarding Weekend

1 / 2 May 2021

As part of our commitment to safeguarding in our Parish, we will hold our yearly Safeguarding Weekend on Saturday 1 / Sunday 2 May. 
One tangible way that we will ask you to show your commitment to supporting all those who are vulnerable in our parish is by signing the Parish Safeguarding Code of Conduct. This was developed by the Archdiocese’s Professional Standards Unit and has been adopted and signed by our Parish Leadership and Development Team.

Image by Rosie Kerr

3rd Anniversary of Fr Ernie Smith's death

28 March 2021

We celebrated the third anniversary of Fr Ernie Smith, the inspiration behind and co-founder of Sacred Heart Mission at 11am Mass on Sunday 28 March.

Please see visit these links for a tribute from Kate Cleaves (Wilson) and the text of a reflection that Vin Corbett gave at mass.


National Carers Week: Recognising Care Given in Love.

11th October 2020

National Carers’ Week runs from Sunday, 11 October to Saturday 17 October.

We offer in thanksgiving the following prayer for the compassion and dedication of all the workers and volunteers from our Sacred Heart Mission, our parish pastoral team and our parish families who in providing care to others bear witness to God’s Spirit of love.

You have granted me life and favour, and your care has preserved my spirit (Job 10:12).

Prayer for Carers

Holy Spirit, pour out your gifts and fruits 

on all those who provide care for others. 

Grant them time and rest to rejuvenate, 

courage and fortitude to face the day to day challenges 

and wisdom and trust to know when to ask for help.

Blessed Trinity, inspire and awaken us to be a Church community 

that is actively seeking to provide assistance and support to people 

who care for our brothers and sisters, 

who are witnesses of your gifts to our world. Amen.

[Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 2007]

Praying Together

Staying connected during the Coronavirus epidemic

March 20th 2020

As Masses and other public gatherings get cancelled, social distancing and panic buying happens around our community, many people are living with fear and uncertainty. Some in our community need support more than ever. Here are some resources on how you can access support and information and also how you can offer support and volunteer at this time.

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Be the change you want to see in the world

February 7th 2020

This is the theme for our St Columba Primary School for 2020. The children, staff and families celebrated the beginning of the school year with a beautiful mass this morning.

Fr John's homily focused on the Paschal candle and the light that shines within all of us. He asked the children to name the 'thing's that give them and our community light and then a candle was lit from the Paschal candle honouring each of these - teachers, fellow students, parents, firefighters, Sacred Heart Mission.


St Columba Primary School - Seussical

September 15 2019

Huge congratulations to everyone involved in preparing for and performing in the school musical ‘Seussical’. It was a fantastic achievement and a wonderful success.

For other news and stories please see the online newsletter


Young women of Sacred Heart and St Columba

September 6 2019

Friday 6th September was the first young women’s dinner and talk series, “Full of Grace”, and what a fruitful night it was!


Renewing our Relationship

August 18 2019

On Sunday 18 August, we celebrated the renewal of the agreement between our Parish and Sacred Heart Mission at 9am and 11am masses. Thank you very much to Chris Stolz, Chair of Sacred Heart Mission Board and to Cathy Humphries, CEO Sacred Heart Mission for their attendance and support.


Plenary council

June 2019

A Plenary Council is a formal meeting of the bishops and other representatives of all the dioceses and eparchies of the Catholic Church in Australia. Its purpose is to discern what God is asking of us in Australia at this present time.

While the church should be asking that question continually, a Plenary Council is a particularly graced instrument for seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And it has the authority to make church laws on the results of its discernment.


Sacred Heart Memorial

August 18 2018

On Sunday 19 August 2018 we dedicated the Sacred Heart Memorial.
“We Remember” is a tribute to those who have died in our community. In erecting this memorial, we hold them forever in our hearts. 
“We Remember”, depicts a small gathering holding their friend who has died. In this act of intimacy, through their grief, in some ways they hold each other. The figures are close with each other. They hold the body of their friend through the interweaving of their hands and bodies. This is an experience of deep intimacy in a place vulnerability.

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Moving our ministry online

March 28 2020

As the Coronavirus COVID-19 continues, we are finding more ways to connect online right here on the website. So we have put together a resource page with handy links, information, prayers plus lots more.


Article Headline

January 1, 2025

This is your News article. It’s a great place to highlight press coverage, newsworthy stories, industry updates or useful resources for visitors. Add a short summary, include links to relevant content and choose a great photo or video for extra engagement!


We update our news and events as they happen, so check back often for the latest. You can also contribute by sharing your story on our Blog or get an item published in our Parish Bulletin by contacting us

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Stella Maris Seafarers Centre

The Stella Maris Seafarer’s Centre in Melbourne is a not-for-profit organisation and one of over 300 centres worldwide providing pastoral care, services, and support for seafaring people. It is an offical missionary arm of the Catholic Church. Please see the link below for a great article written by Christina Siciliano, our wonderful Sacred Heart parishioner, on Caring for Seafarers. Christina has volunteered and supported Stella Maris for many years. 

For further information and to support Stella Maris please visit

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Our parish honoured in newest members' name.

Diane Marie Colombe Watine

A very special welcome to the world to Diane Marie Colombe, the fourth daughter for Céline and Martin Watine. 
We sent flowers to the family on behalf of the parish and they sent a lovely reply with a beautiful message about the girls’ names.
“(Each of) Our daughters’ second name is Marie to give them the protection of our Mother in Heaven. We wish their third name is a mark of the place where they were born. Both Aliette and Béryl have Chinese names. Quitterie’s third name is Victoria. And for Diane, we have chosen Colombe after our beloved local parish. We will definitely never forget how easy was our integration into the parish community and we deeply thank all the members of this big family for their kindness to our lovely - not to say noisy! - family.”
We look forward to welcoming the beautiful family back to St Columba in the near future.

National Reconciliation Week 2021

27 May - 3 June


Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.

To our new supporters, please remember the importance of privileging and amplifying First Nations’ voices as you add your voice to calls for reconciliation and justice.

Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.

2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process.

Find out more about National Reconciliation Week  

#MoreThanAWord  #NRW2021

Please take the time to read the Uluru Statement of the Heart.  We encourage you to also watch the powerful video featured.


Parish News

Keep up to date with what is happening around the Parish and within our community.

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National Volunteers Week 2021

17 - 23 May 2021

Prayer for Volunteers

Loving God,

We acknowledge that your Spirit blows gently through our volunteers

who contribute their time, their gifts, their skills and their friendship

across the vast array of ministries in our parish.

Through their generous hearts,

we are able to create a place of belonging

that welcomes, enables, befriends and accompanies.

We honour their service with our gratitude,

and ask your blessing upon them

as they continue to witness through the heart of Jesus.


We will be celebrating all of the wonderful volunteers in our Parish on the weekend of 22 / 23 May. Please join us for soup after Saturday 6pm mass or for cake after Sunday 9am and 11am masses.

People In Church

Keeping our Community Safe: Safeguarding Weekend

1 / 2 May 2021

As part of our commitment to safeguarding in our Parish, we will hold our yearly Safeguarding Weekend on Saturday 1 / Sunday 2 May. 
One tangible way that we will ask you to show your commitment to supporting all those who are vulnerable in our parish is by signing the Parish Safeguarding Code of Conduct. This was developed by the Archdiocese’s Professional Standards Unit and has been adopted and signed by our Parish Leadership and Development Team.

Image by Rosie Kerr

3rd Anniversary of Fr Ernie Smith's death

28 March 2021

We celebrated the third anniversary of Fr Ernie Smith, the inspiration behind and co-founder of Sacred Heart Mission at 11am Mass on Sunday 28 March.

Please see visit these links for a tribute from Kate Cleaves (Wilson) and the text of a reflection that Vin Corbett gave at mass.


National Carers Week: Recognising Care Given in Love.

11th October 2020

National Carers’ Week runs from Sunday, 11 October to Saturday 17 October.

We offer in thanksgiving the following prayer for the compassion and dedication of all the workers and volunteers from our Sacred Heart Mission, our parish pastoral team and our parish families who in providing care to others bear witness to God’s Spirit of love.

You have granted me life and favour, and your care has preserved my spirit (Job 10:12).

Prayer for Carers

Holy Spirit, pour out your gifts and fruits 

on all those who provide care for others. 

Grant them time and rest to rejuvenate, 

courage and fortitude to face the day to day challenges 

and wisdom and trust to know when to ask for help.

Blessed Trinity, inspire and awaken us to be a Church community 

that is actively seeking to provide assistance and support to people 

who care for our brothers and sisters, 

who are witnesses of your gifts to our world. Amen.

[Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 2007]

Praying Together

Staying connected during the Coronavirus epidemic

March 20th 2020

As Masses and other public gatherings get cancelled, social distancing and panic buying happens around our community, many people are living with fear and uncertainty. Some in our community need support more than ever. Here are some resources on how you can access support and information and also how you can offer support and volunteer at this time.

School theme 2020.jpg

Be the change you want to see in the world

February 7th 2020

This is the theme for our St Columba Primary School for 2020. The children, staff and families celebrated the beginning of the school year with a beautiful mass this morning.

Fr John's homily focused on the Paschal candle and the light that shines within all of us. He asked the children to name the 'thing's that give them and our community light and then a candle was lit from the Paschal candle honouring each of these - teachers, fellow students, parents, firefighters, Sacred Heart Mission.


St Columba Primary School - Seussical

September 15 2019

Huge congratulations to everyone involved in preparing for and performing in the school musical ‘Seussical’. It was a fantastic achievement and a wonderful success.

For other news and stories please see the online newsletter


Young women of Sacred Heart and St Columba

September 6 2019

Friday 6th September was the first young women’s dinner and talk series, “Full of Grace”, and what a fruitful night it was!


Renewing our Relationship

August 18 2019

On Sunday 18 August, we celebrated the renewal of the agreement between our Parish and Sacred Heart Mission at 9am and 11am masses. Thank you very much to Chris Stolz, Chair of Sacred Heart Mission Board and to Cathy Humphries, CEO Sacred Heart Mission for their attendance and support.


Plenary council

June 2019

A Plenary Council is a formal meeting of the bishops and other representatives of all the dioceses and eparchies of the Catholic Church in Australia. Its purpose is to discern what God is asking of us in Australia at this present time.

While the church should be asking that question continually, a Plenary Council is a particularly graced instrument for seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And it has the authority to make church laws on the results of its discernment.


Sacred Heart Memorial

August 18 2018

On Sunday 19 August 2018 we dedicated the Sacred Heart Memorial.
“We Remember” is a tribute to those who have died in our community. In erecting this memorial, we hold them forever in our hearts. 
“We Remember”, depicts a small gathering holding their friend who has died. In this act of intimacy, through their grief, in some ways they hold each other. The figures are close with each other. They hold the body of their friend through the interweaving of their hands and bodies. This is an experience of deep intimacy in a place vulnerability.

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Moving our ministry online

March 28 2020

As the Coronavirus COVID-19 continues, we are finding more ways to connect online right here on the website. So we have put together a resource page with handy links, information, prayers plus lots more.

We update our news and events as they happen, so check back often for the latest. You can also contribute by sharing your story on our Blog or get an item published in our Parish Bulletin by contacting us

(03) 9531 6120

Parish House

2 Normandy Road, Elwood, 3184

©2019 by Catholic Parish of Sacred Heart and St Columba

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