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The practicalities around accessing the Sacraments

Celebrating the Sacraments is as much about celebrating the whole person as it is about participating in religious rituals. Participating in the sacraments is about living in a way that honours the relationships we have with one another. It honours God’s involvement in our everyday experience. Each Sacrament gives us the opportunity to enter into a deeper relationship with God.


Infant Baptism: Sacrament of new life and welcome

Infant Baptism is the beginning of a process of belonging to the Church and our community. We know that children need time to grow and develop, so the Catholic Church spaces the process of Christian Initiation over many years.


Enquiries for Baptism can be made by contacting the Parish Office


Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation

Sacraments are a key part of church life and are celebrated within our parish community.


Enquiries for these Sacraments can be made by contacting the Parish Office.






R.C.I.A. (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children of Catechetical Age)

R.C.I.A. is specifically designed for adults and older children and we offer a supportive environment in which to continue to explore the mysteries of faith and life in our Catholic tradition.


Image by Beatriz Pérez Moya


Sacramental Marriage is the making of a life-long covenant of love between two persons one or two of whom are baptised Catholic. It is the making of a true partnership of the whole of life recognised, celebrated and blessed by the Church in the sacrament of  Marriage.


Flowers Candles Funeral


The death of a loved one is an especially sensitive time for families and friends.

The Parish pastoral team will work with you and your funeral director to make this a memorable occasion for you, your family and loved one.​

(03) 9531 6120

Parish House

2 Normandy Road, Elwood, 3184

©2019 by Catholic Parish of Sacred Heart and St Columba

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